Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Final Fantasy 13...An attempt to finish it...finally.

So after starting FF13 when it first came out, putting it down, and then deciding to pick it up again recently with the intent to finally put it to rest. My first impressions of 13 was more being "amused" at the game rather than negative. I heard about all the complaints prior to playing the game so I kinda knew what to expect. I put down the game after laughing at it for a whole bunch, but decided to return to it years later during this Xmas holidays.

I was probably around chapter 5 or 6 starting out again, and I just put down the game again sitting at the end of chapter 11. It took me about 20 to 25 hours to get to the beginning of chapter 10, and it took me another 15 to get to the end of chapter 11. Currently sitting at a total of 35 to 40 hours and I'm still nowhere near the end of the game. I'm only two chapters away from the end, but I'm guessing I have another 10 to 15 hours to go as the rise in difficulty and grind has grown significantly. It goes from a "casual" game that's ironically meant for the masses specially given the content and aesthetic of the game, to a brutally punishing late game that's clearly designed for the hardcore audience. If you planned your characters and item upgrades improperly prior to chapter 11, then you're basically stuck. I've been reading forum posts about how characters are generally supposed to be late game, and I didn't set up my party the way it's been generally suggested. It's frustrating to know this, since the beginning of the game; arguably the entire game is said to be a giant tutorial, gives no indication or clues as to how you set up your party. In fact, the game even gives features and options which might even misguide you down the wrong path of how to set up your characters and items. It's mind boggling to know that this was intentionally done.

The story and script are terrible as well. Almost every scene presents a tear jerker type of moment, but fails to tie the viewer and the characters in any sort of relatable relationship. In fact, you are more annoyed and frustrated at how all the characters interact with each other so you never buy into their plight. The game's narrative throws in-game specific terms left and right, and you're completely lost with the planet. In fact, the text summaries that scroll during the loading screens when you load your saved games, provide more story context than the hours and hours/minutes and minutes of expensive cinematics that book end scenes and levels.

I'm clearly frustrated with the game now moreso than ironically amused. I'm not sure if I can pick it up again, but I'm curious as to what's changed/improved/worse in FF13-2. I'm willing to brave the first few hours of it already, but I'm cautious about whether I should even bother trying to finish the first 13 game. But given the fact that I'm not invested with the story at all, maybe it's for the best that I just give the 2nd game a go.

Regardless of everything I've said, FF13 is an incredible technical achievement. It's also incredible that such a huge machine, with obvious intentional design has gone into the game. Yet it's gone into a direction no longer truly appeals to the masses, and clearly alienates and has shattered how Final Fantasy fans consistently feel about the franchise. I hope Final Fantasy finds it's roots again, but given the fact that FF14 Realm Reborn is an MMO; and the genre's tendencies to head towards a grindy design ideology, I'm doubtfully cautious as whether the game can recapture what people loved about the IP so much when it was at the peak of it's golden days.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

3DS, Vita, PS3, blah blah blah...

TGS is right around the corner, and as well, Nintendo's own convention/press conference whatever it is, is right around the corner. I don't get what's with this pro-support thing that happens between all of the above consoles. If it comes out on the 3DS, sure. Vita? Great. PS3? Great. I suppose I'm indifferent since I have all the consoles, and many people are supporting their own consoles that they own. Added to the fact that some people can't afford other consoles and would be bitter and disappointed that other consoles may get Monster Hunter instead of their own.

Personally, I would prefer it on any console but the 3DS. I like the 3DS, but I don't think it's an impressive piece of hardware. It's 3D screen is impressive, but the hardware in general is pretty unspectacular. There are some good ideas such as the street pass, the analog stick/nub is nice, and it's aesthetically a good design. However, there are a lot of short comings which remind me of the first PSP hardware release.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd e-Capcom version

So I got the e-Capcom version of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd which comes with some limited edition Jinouga inner earphones, a PSP carry bag, a phone/PSP charm, and ...the game. So what you see in this photo, is part of the bag, but the new felyne figures are some out of the box figure collection. It's definitely NOT part of the e-Capcom LE for 3rd, but I figure I'd just shoot a picture of these guys anyway.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's a hunter's life

A bunch of us got together yesterday and played a good amount of Monster Hunter. There was candy, pizza, and Conan The Destroyer involved. It was a humble get together that was reminiscent of the days of youth, except there were 4 grown men having the get together instead.

The Monster Hunter group IS getting larger though. Many people couldn't make it due to some summer plans, but they will be there next time. They WILL.

Oh yeah, we tried kicking a low rank Great Jaggi to death but got impatient after 40 minutes of kicking. After awhile, it was just muscle memory, but it was one of the most exhausting quests we've done in awhile. We then just got tired and hit it with our weapons. Kudos to Shepard and crew for keeping it real in podcast episode #29 (they actually pull it off).

Saturday, August 6, 2011

More Monster Hunter books!

Monster Hunter 1, Monster Hunter G and Monster Hunter 2 books!

Some would say I'm obsessed no? lol

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Monster Hunter Frontier books

Monster Hunter Frontier books. I've never played Frontier, but I got the books anyway!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Monster Hunter fan art tribute

This won me a prize on Capcom Unity in the Monster Hunter tribute contest, but I never received it. But that's okay Snow, I forgive you.

I can't believe I never posted this thing before!