Sunday, June 26, 2011

Monster Hunter Podcast #44

If you haven't checked out last week's Monster Hunter Podcast, I very much suggest you do. The crew invited a games reviewer from; Brad Gallaway. He comes onto the podcast with about 300+ hours of experience of Monster Hunter through Tri and Freedom Unite. The interesting thing to note is that he played Tri first for about 70 to 80 hours, wrote a review, and then played Freedom Unite for 200 hours? 300 hours? I can't remember. He then explained that he had quite more a deeper sense of respect and appreciation for the game, and wished that more people would give Monster Hunter the time he had as he believes the game would be more well-liked by many if they gave it a chance. You can listen to the podcast in more detail and I definitely suggest so if you're a person who's trying to get your friends into Monster Hunter:

I would also highly suggest reading Brad's Monster Hunter reviews as they would probably give more detail in how one's impression of Monster Hunter changes over time.

Monster Hunter Tri:

And then...

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite:

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